Feb 22- A Word of Encouragement

Feb 22- A Word of Encouragement

Ladies of Hopewell,

First, I want to say thanks for your commitment to the Saturday morning prayer line and the Monday evening Christian Growth and Development class. As I said before, it’s important for us to stay connected to the Body of Christ, as well as to our Sisters in Christ. And always remember that God rewards faithfulness. So, I encourage you to keep yourself in a position to receive rewards.

Now, a word of encouragement: In Romans 8:28 it says, We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Life will eventually turn every person upside down and inside out. When, not if, your world is turned upside down, know that you will be sustained. No disaster is too devastating for God to reach out with His loving hand and comfort you, and unimaginably, make it work for His purposes. A grown child loses her/his way, a marriage crumbles, death of a loved one, sickness ravages, financial disaster leaves you with nothing; these things are common to humankind. But God’s love can bring us through any emotional earthquake like these and through any shakings that we experience. Jesus’ sacrificial, saving, supernatural love can lift us out of betrayal and hurt. It can deliver us from any mess. Love like that can release us from every prison of fear and confusion. And love like God’s can fill us up until it spills out of us, and we can’t help but speak about it and share it.

Jesus promised, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Ladies, whatever you experience in life, cry out to Jesus and ask for His love. It will sustain you, strengthen you, and carry you. When all else is shaken and fails, His love doesn’t. and never will.


HIS love and Mine,

Alene Stanley

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