November 2024 Message from The Pastor’s Wife, Sis. Alene Stanley
Ladies at the Well,
The Bold and Beautiful Retreat at Sea was AMAZING! There were so much fun, fellowship and laughter among the sisters. And we are grateful to God for the opportunity to sail the seas to the Western Caribbean and return home safely.
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast is celebrated this month, and as always, the entire membership of Hopewell is asked to participate. So, let us come out in record numbers and show our support by assisting as needed. And during this season of Thanksgiving, always remember, in First Thessalonians 5:18 it says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Now, a message of encouragement: Value the season you are in: as the seasons change, you might notice the weather getting warmer or cooler, lots of rain or no rain. When it is raining, it is easy too long for the sunshine. Yet, if the Earth skipped any of the seasons, Growth would be limited. So, it is for the season of your life right now.
If you are in a season of waiting, of what feels like the fall or winter, and you wish you were in a different time, know that God has more for you to learn. Maybe it is a lesson in relationship, being more patient with others, money management, or cleanliness. For an example, if you want an office with a view, then try keeping your current work space tidy. Regardless of your season, allow it to prepare you for the birth of your next season, the one with your dreams and God given purpose.
As you continue waiting: 1. Recognize and reflect on how far this present season has brought you. 2. Ask the question: is there more to learn here? 3. Appreciate the opportunities this season has given you. And then, keep waiting, trusting that God will bring growth in all your seasons.
His Love and Mine,
Sis. Alene Stanley