Pastor’s Perspective September 2024

Pastor’s Perspective September 2024



I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. (Phil. 4:13)

Hopewell, as we continue to witness and experience the manifestation of God’s power in our lives individually and collectively, we have all been strengthened and enlightened in the process. God has made himself known to each of us as we genuinely and purposefully sought His will for our lives. It is clear from the words of Paul that our ability to accomplish significant things in life can only be accomplished through Christ. Therefore, I can do all things through Christ, are the most powerful seven (7) words of faith, we can utter. And if understood, believed, and applied, will enable us to overcome any obstacle, conquer every challenge, fight off every foe, bear any burden, shoulder any sacrifice, commit to any covenant, and complete any project.

So, Hopewell let us stand in solidarity by faith and collectively complete our 3G project. This state of the art facility will not only meet the expectations of our youth but will be a blessing to every active ministry. Therefore, let us not be weary in well doing, for we shall reap if we faint not.

Also, September marks our 35th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration, I want to thank President Gloria Wallace and the Pastor’s Anniversary Committee (PAC) in advance for all they have planned, as well as everyone for all acts of kindness, and heartfelt presentations, we shall receive during this year’s celebration. As Sis. Stanley says, “People Don’t Have to be nice, It’s a Choice”. Do know it has been and continues to be a high honor and precious privilege to serve as your leaders for Thirty-Five (35) wonderful years. And while God only knows how much longer we will serve, I do know we will continue to serve with all our might until then. Hopewell, nothing would please us more than to see as many of you as possible in attendance to each event as we celebrate over three (3) decades of service.

Needless to say, if you are unable to support the 3G project and give a sacrificial seed offering to the first family, please support the 3G project.

As always, I ask that you continue to honor our covenant, and follow me even as I follow Christ.

Manifesting the Power of God,
Pastor R. C. Stanley

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