Pastor’s Perspective February 2025

Pastor’s Perspective February 2025



So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work. (Nehemiah 4:6)

Hopewell, we have entered 2025 with a determination to commit ourselves to spiritual development, dedication, and devotedness. It is apparent that many of us have embraced our theme for this year to experience God’s abundant grace and intervening power. God has allowed us to start the year with a great deal of excitement, not only have we been blessed to do another recording, but we have started the renovation of our 3G project. I want to thank every member for your support in reaching your financial goal to secure the funds for the renovation. And again, I want to thank all the men who participated in the initial demolition. This enthusiasm reminds me of the words in Nehemiah 4:6 where we are told that all the people were joined together and they a had a mind to work. Hopewell, again we are making an impact in the kingdom by making sure that we serve this present age. Because of our willingness to make sure that our youth are in a relevant and healthy environment, God has given us favor. So, in the words of the Apostle Paul in (Galatians 6:9) let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.

To add to all the excitement and enthusiasm we are experiencing, as you know, this month we will celebrate our rich and resilient history. I want to thank Sis. Lakay Wilkerson and The Black History Committee, for preparing another awesome Black History Celebration, filled with the usual enlightenment, encouragement, and empowerment. This year’s theme is “African Americans and Labor”, spotlighting the enormous contributions we have made in the workforce throughout history. This celebration promises to be another enriching and empowering educational experience.

Again, this year our speaker will be Dr. Robert Smith Jr., retired professor of Christian preaching at Beeson Divinity School. As you know Dr. Smith always has a relevant word to empower us as a people, as well as to edify us as believers. Also, this year for our Old Fashioned Day our speaker will be Elder Chester F. Davis, Pastor of The Philadelphia Primitive Baptist Church in Port St. Joe, Florida, the eldest son of the late Leonard Wilson Sr. Hopewell, I remind you of the special relationship with the Wilson/Davis families, and we are expecting a powerful move of God as we reflect on where the Lord has brought us from.

Finally, again, I want to thank everyone for your faithful support as we achieved all of our financial goals. Thank You! Now, first of all, let me say that there is nothing wrong with me. However, because of the enormous financial sacrifices we made last year, this year we are going to recalibrate our giving. I am asking every member, I repeat, … every member, to give a sacrificial gift of one hundred ($100) dollars on the third Sunday, February 16th. And then, starting in March, I am asking every member, … every member, to give two Hundred and fifty ($250) dollars for the year 2025. I am convinced that if each of us accepts this challenge, we will raise sufficient funds to purchase the furniture, technology and sound system needed for Hopewell West.

So, Hopewell, let us again bring Psalm 133 to life, which informs us, that wherever God finds unity, that’s the place where He commands His blessings, and if we are willing to do our part, God will help us to reach our goal.
Again, Hopewell, as always, I ask you to continue to honor our covenant and follow me even as I follow Christ.

Experiencing God’s Abundant Grace,
Pastor R.C. Stanley

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